Saturday 13 October 2012

Computer and internet

Week 1 and 2

hello !I am Raj from Rwanda !I am doing computer and internet course.I am going to be sharing with you what I will be learing in this class within twelve weeks. At the end of every single week I will post what we learnd in class.after twelve weeks,I will be given marks according to my works as well as my classmates. I hope you will enjoy it and please comment on my blog if you find it intresting or if yo have enquiries.

The fist day of my class,the lecturer took some few minutes for introduction.we were briefed aboout some rules in the class and the outline of the hole trimester.From the articulate speech he gave us,Azamuddin Abdul Rahman, I found him friendly.After that we started the first week which was quite interesting."the computer hadware" we were given this first definition a computer is a programmable machine or an electronic device that carries out what It has bben store program and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.the hardware is the tangible part of the copmuter.
Hardwares are dived into two major parts,there are inputs an outputs.

       Input is any data and instructions entered into the memory of a computer – can be in the form of programs, commands, and user responses
       An input device is any hardware component that allows users to enter data and instructions into a computer

Now let's talk about storages,here some storages that are often used:
Hard disks, Flash Memory storage, Optical discs, Tape, Magnetic stripe cards & smart cards, Microfilm & microfiche, Enterprise storage.