Thursday 11 July 2013

Information literacy FCC133

There are three types of information sources: primary, secondary and tertiary. Primary sources are a first-hand information. Where the teller or the writer has witnessed the event or story by himself. Primary sources usually enable the researcher to get as close as possible to what actually happened during an historical event or time period. Secondary source is information derived from primary sources. Second Hand conveys the experiences and opinions of others. The teller or the writer did not witness the actual event. For example news television program.  The journalist who broadcasts news reported by his colleague journalist. Lastly, tertiary source is a combination of primary and secondary sources. The writer includes both primary and tertiary sources in his work. Most of the researchers and students come in this category. 

Information literacy FCC133

Information literacy process model Big 6

This trimester we started a bit late, due the replacement for IL lecturer. The first lecture was mainly about BIG 6. Basically Big 6 is a six stage process to help students to solve problem and make decisions by using information. The six stage are
Task definition
Information seeking strategies
Location and access
Use of information

Narrowing a topic down

When doing a research one must choose a topic and narrow it down. To narrow the topic down you have to develop your thesis statement and formulate questions like what? Who? Where? When? And why? This help you to be more specific and to address the real issue in your research. 

Example of a topic which narrowed down: the Wi-Fi usage amount amongst AIU students.