Thursday 13 December 2012

Microsoft office Excel

 Week 9

Microsoft office Excel 2010

 To start Microsoft office Excel with a fresh new spreadsheet,with temporary name book 1.Click Start,All programs, Microsfot Office Excel 2010.or double click the icon of Microsfot Office Excel 2010.

The spreadsheet is an EXCEl workbook that contains,initially three worksheets, each of which is blank.The cellls that it contains are empty-all 17  million of them.

The most common use of spreadsheet is for financial planning, for example to keep track of income and expenditure. you can find ready made  budget spreadsheets and templates at the Microsoft Office Website and on other internet locatons.however It is useful to create such spreadsheet from scratch, to illustrate the processes involved.

Data enter

open a blank worksheet,select cell A1 and  type the title for the spreadsheet,e.g.familly badget

Press the Enter or down key to insert the text and move to cell A2, then type the  next entry
repeat this process to add the remaining labels for the income and expense items you want to track, and labels for the totals and balance.If you omit an item,you can insert an additional worksheet a vertical group of cells to insert that many rows above the selected cells.Note that you can insert one or more columns in a similar manner by selecting Insert,Insert Sheet columns.

Sums and Differences

when you've entered the data, and made the changes required, you can introduce functions and formulas to complete the worksheet.The = symbol indicates that the following text is a can type the cell references,or Click on the cell itself,and Excel will enter the approriate reference.Then Press Enter to complete the formula and display the results


Changing the format for Various parts of the worksheet can make it easier to review and assess the can change each cell individually, or press Ctrl and click each of the cells to select them, then apply the changes to all the cells at once.Excel includes a very useful conditional Formatting facility, Where the effect applied depend on the actual contents of the cells being formatted.

In brief i can say that this class and the whole brog things helped me a lot. for instance i could not use at all Excel before but now I guess I can use almost the most essential stuff in Excel.Likewise word and power point. 


Power point

Microsoft PowerPoint is such a great tool used for so many things:

  1. presenting a project at school
  2. showing your employees your expectations or plans
  3. Even introducing your present day life to your old out of town friends by email.
  4. You can put videos on
  5. Just about anything! It’s very fun, creative, and useful.

In class we learned how to create a slide show, applying themes, inserting images or clip art.

We also studied how to use transitions, screenshots, word art and shapes.

We did many activities that helped me to understand more it was really good

Working with video
Videos are a great way to make your presentations more engaging for your audience.
PowerPoint allows you to insert a video from a file on your computer or from a web site such as YouTube. You can even edit the video within PowerPoint and customize its appearance with a Video Style. Working with Video includes the following task:

 - Inserting Video
 Preview and resize the video
 Edit and Format
 Formatting the Appearance of the Video

Wednesday 12 December 2012

                                   Microsoft Office2010

We are going to go through together, Microsoft office word Microsoft office power point, Microsoft office excel Microsoft office outlook so let start first with word.Microsoft Office is a productivity suite of applications that  share common freatures and approaches. There have  been numerous versions, including Office 95 Office 97,Office 2000,Office XP (also called Office 2002)office 2003 and Office 2007.The latest version released in June 2010,is Microsoft Office 2010.



                                       Introduction to Microsoft Word

During word class,everything for me was quite familiar. i could easily follow the lecturer and understand the lesson.It is my favorite subject in all what we have learned. 

Using Word, user easily can change the shape, size, color of text, add tables, shading, borders, pictures, charts and Web address in documents. Word is full-featured word processing program that allows user to create many types of personal and business documents including flyers, memos, resumes, reports, mailing labels and etc.



                                  Microsoft Word Window

Word Window includes the document window, Ribbon, Mini toolbar , shortcut menus and Quick Access Toolbar


Whichever edition you have,the most notable feature of Office 2010 is the graphical user interface based on the ribbon.The ribbon contain command buttons and icons,organized in sets of tabs,each containing groups of commands associated with specific functions.The purpose is to make the relevant features more intuitive, and more readily available.this allows you to concentrate on the tasks you want to perform rather than the detail of how yo will carry out the activities.

                                               Mini Toolbar

Contains commands related to changing the appearance of text in a document
Appears automatically based on tasks perform
Purpose:to minimize mouse movement

                                             Quick Access Toolbar

The Quick Access Toolbar is a customizable toolbar that contains a set of commands that are independent of the tab that is currently displayed. You can move the Quick Access Toolbar from one of the two possible locations, and you can add buttons that represent commands to the Quick Access Toolbar.

                                                   Key Tips

Key Tips replace keyboard shortcuts in Word 2010. Press ALT to make Key Tips appear for all ribbon tabs, and then press the Key Tip for the tab that you want to display. Okay, keyboard people, this section is for you. You should know that with the ribbon design, there are a few updates to keyboard shortcuts. First off, don’t worry: Shortcuts that start with the CTRL key — for example, CTRL+C for copy, or CTRL+ALT+1 for Heading 1 — remain the same as in previous versions of Word.
Finally, let take look on some text basis that are crucial in routine word usage. It is important to know how to perform basic tasks with text when working in a word processing application. Basic Text Operations are:

• Insert

• Delete

• Select

• Copy, cut and paste text

• Drag and drop text

• Find and Replace Text

• Save

• Printing

Use of computer software to enter and edit text offers a number of new features and approaches which improve student understanding, retention, transference and skill in using Microsoft word.

Contains commands related to changing the appearance of text in a document

Appears automatically based on tasks perform

Purpose: to minimize mouse movement